Call for papers

Disability, Recognition and “Community living”. Diversity of practises and plurality of values

The 6th Annual Conference of ALTER - European Society for Disability Research - aims to offer a European and international multidisciplinary view of disability research, taking into account both philosophical, socio-historical and political dimensions and subjective experiences of disability. It proposes to illuminate the diversity in forms of “community living”, as they are conceived, implemented and lived on different territorial scales (nations, regions, departments, cantons, communes) in relation to the wide variety of socio-historical, political and cultural configurations.

Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for the sixth Annual Conference of Alter before 22 January 2017. It is possible to submit individual abstracts or suggest organising a session of 3 presentations focusing on the same theme. We particularly encourage comparative and international sessions. Researchers wishing to suggest a session are invited to submit both an individual abstract of their paper and an abstract describing the joint session and its participants.

The program will be organised according to the following themes. Beyond this framework, call for papers is also open to any other topic that researcher could submit through an original topic session proposal.


Inclusion, participation, citizenship and human rights

Disability movements, advocacy and identity politics

Education and schools : between inclusion and exclusion

Employment and disability : trends and innovative experiences

Gender, ethnicity and intersectionality

First person perspectives on disability

Art and Culture : representations, media, images and meaning making

Athletic and / or artistic practices : body in motion

Universal Design, technology and materiality

Methods in disability research

Please upload your abstract and session proposal before 22 January 2017 on the conference website on the "Submit an abstract" page: (or click on 'Submit an abstract' in the menu on the left)

Your abstract should include a detailed description of your presentation (issue addressed, type of data used, analysis, results and main bibliographical references, maximum 300 words). – Workshop sessions will be held in French or in English -

Decisions of the scientific committee and the organizing committee will be notified to the corresponding author for the 15 March 2017.


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